We are pleased to inform you that the latest version of the plugin is now available for your WordPress site!
Please read this message carefully BEFORE proceeding with the update:
Here’s what’ included in version 1.4.1:
- Addition of the Amazon Notice for the relevant shortcodes: #Amazon, #Remuneration. More information here
- Introduction of the new “Custom Product” shortcode, allowing you to present products not available in the Winamaz database. Learn more here.
- Introduced the new “Amazon Cart” shortcode, which adds the “Add to Cart” button to take the customer directly to the cart page for the chosen Amazon product Learn more here.
- Integration of the WooCommerce module, replacing the addon. Check out our explanatory article on its functionality. Read the article on its functionality.
- Ability to enable/disable custom links, custom notes and inventory management, which have become separate modules.
- Improvements to the shortcode features, including the ability to:
- to choose from a list the initial advertiser to search for when using the Winamaz search (EAN shortcode)
- and use the full Amazon URL of a product in the ‘Product’ field via the Shortcode generator
- Correction of several display bugs, including:
- the option to display “reconditioned” Amazon products ;
- the possibility to user the “Best Price” model without Amazon
- the URL link reducer (blank page fixed)
Important points :
- Please note that the update may take a few hours before being available on your site.
- Don’t forget to take a backup of your sites before launching the update
- Make sure you check the minimum requirements for the latest version here
The complete changelog can be found here and the update procedure can be found here
Reminder that Winamaz support is available from Mon to Fri 9am to 6pm (excluding public holidays): support@winamaz.com
More news soon !
The Winamaz Team